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Project 1: The Art of Adaptation

We are to read and understand a set of cities described by Italo Calvino in the book Invisible Cities. My team have chosen the city and the dead. This exercise is in preparation in the lead-up Final Project of adaptating the literature Invisible Cities to the local conditions of the Greater KL.


The everyday life of cities and its banality is a scene that has been taken for granted. While expereince of the everyday life is banal, there are a plethora of medium by which stories of the cities are told, one of which is literature. Literature is a medium in which stories are told, some of them original but most are tales from across the centuries adapted to a contemporary or different context, or to a modified theme to enchance the storyline. Using the literature, Invisible Cities , as the basis, students are to study, analyses and creatively adapt it using a graphical representation.









As residents, we’ve known for a while how small our world is—the living one, at least. As Eugene Jonesco said, “There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer.” The dead know that better than anyone.

Once you’ve died (by the fate of Isadora’s scarves, or just by Hades’ seduction), and buried by your loved ones at a funeral you are forced to attend, we see you laid into the ground, as you see the living world one last time, with tall buildings, trees, and colors so bright. From dust to dust, they say. But once you’ve been buried, your grave is left alone, and you descend to your new home, the world of the dead. There’s no coming back. It has never been done, and it never will.

Your world is dark, but architects have long been dying, and built themselves a city mirroring the one you once lived in. But without the sun, without trees, without life, the city is dark, and lifeless bodies struggle to move around in the wasteland you now call home.




PROJECT 2: Observing the Everyday


The purpose of this exercise is to have a deeper understanding of the city in which we inhabit but do not necessarily seek to understand, Kuala Lumpur, and her greater surroundings but that of an objecttive standpoint in comparison to personal subjectivity.


In this exercise of objectivity and subjectivity, you will select an artist/philosopher/idol of choice whose methodology you prescribe to or can identify with, and observe a selected area in or around the city of your choice in the eye of him/her.

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